Joseph S. Friedberg

Criminal Defense Attorney

Joseph S. Friedberg

Criminal Defense Attorney

What Pisses a Real Trial Lawyer Off

The recent trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who murdered George Floyd, was a learning experience for thousands of people in Minnesota. It was a demonstration of how a trial should be conducted and how the professionals involved should conduct themselves. The trial exhibited the best of our legal system, and it was the first time such a trial was televised in the state.

However, not all trials are conducted this way. It is unfortunate, but it is a reality. By keeping trials before the public eye, we raise the expectations of people who come into contact with the courts. We expect judges to be even-tempered, punctual, and prepared. We expect lawyers to conduct themselves with dignity, to be prepared and knowledgeable about the subject they are dealing with, to be properly dressed, to stand when addressing the court, and to know what they are talking about.

If we continue to put our most important trials before the public, we will increase respect for a system that is generally mistrusted. We will rekindle a passion in a system that should be an object of pride. There is no reason not to follow our surrounding states, which for years have allowed the public viewing of important trials.

Television coverage of trials might even encourage more young people to consider careers in law and the judiciary. They might view these positions as beneficial and supportive of humankind. It is even a great idea to put the arraignment calendar on TV, as this will elevate the most meaningful appearances and raise respect for the entire system.

In conclusion, a well-dressed individual commands respect and always leaves a good first impression. It is important to leave the jeans for when you go fishing. Let us strive to conduct trials in a way that exhibits the best of our legal system and raises the expectations of the public. The Derek Chauvin trial was an excellent example of how this can be done, and we should strive to do it every day.

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