Joseph S. Friedberg

Criminal Defense Attorney

Joseph S. Friedberg

Criminal Defense Attorney

What Pisses Off a Real Trial Lawyer pt. 2

Justice Samuel Alito has been in the news lately due to a leaked draft opinion repudiating the impact and substance of Roe v Wade. While many people are focused on the potential consequences of overturning this landmark decision, some are suggesting that Justice Alito has a hidden agenda that goes beyond his publicly stated views.

According to one opinion piece, Justice Alito may actually have a desire to be a liberal, and is working towards that goal through his decisions on the Court. I believe Justice Alito’s real goal is to produce a rising tide of young Democrats, and he is doing this by supporting policies that will result in a flood of unwanted children, largely belonging to people of color.

The author suggests that Justice Alito’s plan is to overturn Roe v Wade and Griswold v Connecticut, two landmark decisions that established the right to abortion and the right to access contraception, respectively. By doing so, he hopes to create a situation where poor women and women of color are unable to access these services, resulting in a significant increase in the number of unwanted children.

Justice Alito’s ultimate goal is to create a new generation of Democrats who will turn the government to the left for centuries to come. While this may seem like a far-fetched conspiracy theory, studies that show that lack of access to abortion and contraception disproportionately affects poor women and women of color.

While the idea of a Supreme Court Justice having a hidden agenda to promote a certain political party or ideology may seem unlikely, it is not entirely unprecedented. Justices are appointed based on their political leanings, and they are known to have personal beliefs and agendas that may affect their decisions on the Court.

Whether or not Justice Alito has a hidden agenda to create a new generation of Democrats remains to be seen. However, the potential consequences of overturning Roe v Wade and Griswold v Connecticut are significant and could have a lasting impact on American society. It is important to consider all the factors at play when discussing these issues, including the potential motivations of the Justices involved.

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